Πραγματοποίηση διαδικτυακής εκδήλωσης με θέμα ‘Media in an age of populism and popularisation’

Eurosuccess Consulting participates in the ‘We-Europeans’ project which aims to combat populism through an approach based on the values ​​of the European Union (respect for human dignity and human rights, freedom, democracy, equality and the rule of law), as a of the eight partners of the Consortium. 

On May 4, the second online event at the European level, of the European project We-Europeans , which is co-financed by the European Union, within the framework of the Erasmus+ program, took place.   

The event themed ‘Media in an age of populism and popularisation’ focused on populism in Europe and the spread of fake news. Keynote speakers were Oliver Money-Kyrle (Head of Advocacy and Programs for Europe at the International Institute IPI, Brussels), Prof. Christian Pieter Hoffman (University of Leipzig), Uschi Jonas (Journalist at Correctiv), Wojciech Karpieszuk (Journalist at the Polish newspaper ‘Gazeta Wyborcza’), Serena Iordache (Journalist, Spain), David Tozzo (Activist, writer and politician, Italy) and, Lorenzo Fattori (Researcher and member of the Italian National Council of ‘Articolo uno party’).    

Stay informed about future events by registering in the WeEuropeans online Community of Practice .  To register, visit the project website here , press the ‘ Registration ‘ button , and complete the application by answering the questions. 


If you would like to know more information about the We -Europeans project , please contact Eurosuccess Consulting on 22 420 110 or visit the Organization’s website http://eurosc.eu/