The scheme is addressed to enterprises of all capacities, that had, are, or will carry out expenditures for the creation or the expansion of laboratories for control/testing/analysis of products and calibration of equipment/tests for running tests, which operate as separate legal entities or manufacturing units.
The following cases are excluded:
- Enterprises which are active in fisheries and aquaculture
- Dysfuntioning enterprises, under communal guidelines regarding State funding for rescuing and restructuring such enterprises
- Clinical laboratories
- Enterprises involved with repairing of products.
Eligible Expenditure Funding:
- Laboratory machinery and equipment:
- Machinery/equipment/monitoring equipment, for the testing and analyzing of products, including materialistic and software material.
- Machinery/equipment/instruments/calibration standards including hardware and software.
- Devices for monitoring the environment/ambience of the laboratory (heat,humidity,pollution).
- Equipment/calibration devices that regulate the emission of pollutants in the atmosphere.
- Supporting equipment (mobile laboratory units, ensuring a healthy environment, fire-proof generators).
- Investment equipment for specialized laboratory space surfaces.
The laboratory area includes only the areas where testing, analyzing and calibration take place.
It is noted that laboratory machinery and equipment should not be rented to third-parties.
Percentage of funding for machinery and equipment: 30%
Maximum amount granted for each company : 100.000 euros
- Premises
- Premises for laboratory space.
- Premises for offices/conference room/presentation areas/ fairgrounds, which serve the laboratory, provided that they do not include more than 10% of the overall space.
Percentage of funding for premises: 30%
Maximum amount granted for each company: €68.000
- Accreditation
- Consulting services by external consultants to prepare the laboratory for accreditation.
- Accreditation of the laboratory by the Cyprus Accreditation Body or any other recognized body of any European Country.
The amount of funding for accreditation for each company is 32.000 euros:
- 50% of the cost for consulting services with a maximum of 20.000 euros granted
- 50% of the cost for accreditation with a maximum of 12.000 euros granted