Scheme for the Enhancement of SMEs Competitiveness in the manufacturing sector and other specific economic activities
Funding Percentage: 60% Maximum Amount of Funding: €200,000 (De Minimis Rule) Beneficiaries: New or established Small-medium Enterprises (<250 people) of the Manufacturing Sector Other new or established Small-medium Enterprises operating in other specific economic activities: Production of edible & inedible ice Disassembly services for useless items / machines Recycling of metallic & non-metallic waste and scrap […]
Scheme for Providing Incentives for the Hiring of Unemployed
The Scheme aims unemployment by providing incentives to employers to hire the unemployed. The incentives concern the subsidy of part of the salary cost of the person to be hired, persons who are out of employment at the date of employment and are registered as unemployed in the Public Employment Service (PES), before the date […]
Scheme for Providing Incentives for the Hiring of Unemployed Young people aged between 15 and 29 years (29 years and 364 days) who are out of any Education or Training
The Scheme aims to provide aid-sponsorships to companies to facilitate the recruitment of persons belonging to the target group, as defined in the Scheme, young people aged 15 to 29 years (29 years and 364 days), at the date of recruitment, who are out of employment, education or training and are registered as unemployed with […]
Funding Scheme for the Digital Transformation of Companies
Its aim is to increase the integration of digital technology into Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. The scheme concerns new and existing small and medium-sized enterprises from all economic sectors, excluding fisheries, aquaculture and activities related to the primary production or processing or marketing of agricultural products. The financial support consists of funding defined eligible costs for the implementation and exploitation of […]
Scheme for providing grant for small and medium-sized enterprises to promote rural tourism
The Scheme refers to: • tourist accommodation (excluding any hotel), • restaurants, • taverns, • traditional cafes and restaurants • enrichment-related activities related to nature, culture and tradition. The objectives of the scheme are: • The encouragement of investments by SMEs for activities aiming at enriching the cultural and environmental elements of rural areas, with […]
Scheme for Providing Incentives for the Hiring of Unemployed Young people aged between 25 and 29 years (29 years and 364 days)
The Scheme aims at providing firms aid-grants to facilitate the recruitment of persons belonging to the target group, as defined in the Scheme, Young people aged between 25 and 29 years (29 years and 364 days) on the date of their hiring during the period of validity of the call for participation in the Scheme who are […]
Scheme for Providing Incentives for the Hiring of Unemployed up to 25
The Scheme aims at providing firms aid-grants to facilitate the recruitment of persons belonging to the target group, as defined in the Scheme, unemployed persons up to 25 years old, registered in the Public Employment Service on the date of application for participation in Scheme. The grant to be given to employers who will hire unemployed […]
Scheme for Providing Incentives for the Hiring of Unemployed over 50
The Scheme aims at providing firms aid-grants to facilitate the recruitment of persons belonging to the target group, as defined in the Plan, unemployed persons over 50 years registered in the Public Employment Service on the date of application for participation in Scheme. The grant is covering the 70% of the person’s wage cost for the first ten (10) […]
Encouraging scheme for wine production sector
This scheme aims to encourage investment in new and existing companies in the Wine sector. It concerns the provision of support for tangible or intangible investments in processing facilities and winery infrastructure, as well as in marketing structures and tools. These investments are aimed at improving the overall performance of the company and adapting it […]
Program for Professional Training and Instructing of Newly-recruited Unemployed in the Sector of Hotel Industry
The purpose of this program is to provide professional training and instructing to newly-recruited unemployed people, without any previous experience, in the hotel industry, aiming towards their employment in hotel units. The beneficiaries are: (a) unemployed, registered at the offices of the Public Employment Service for at least twelve (12) consecutive months and who had not previously been employed in the hotel industry, […]