School Education
Upcycling: Upcycling as a way to generate less waste and create value-added products in a creative way
The Upcycling project is an Erasmus+ project that aims to introduce primary and secondary schools to the idea of the idea of repurposing and reusing waste in a creative way to improve the environment, by giving them a second life. At the same time, the project intends to cultivate skills ranging from problem solving and creativity to the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, by promoting an interdisciplinary approach to teaching. Objectives: The main objectives of the project are to: Raise schoolchildren’s awareness of environmental challenges and climate change. Develop innovative practices for pupils to become agents of change in using fewer resources, ...
iSCHOOL – Ιncreasing Students’ Awareness on Cultural Heritage through Digital Tools and NFE Methods
Our organisation coordinates the i-SCHOOL Erasmus+ project to cover and address the need to foster the knowledge and increase awareness of teachers and students regarding cultural heritage through non-formal settings. Its aims are to increase primary and secondary teachers’ capacity in integrating cultural heritage for the development of creative teaching practices through an interdisciplinary approach and the use of digital technology as well as NFE methods, to provide innovative, complementary and diverse material in integrating cultural heritage in school education, and to strengthen the capacity of partner organisations on promoting cultural heritage through digital tools in schools. Its main objectives are to: ...
STEM is inspiring Future Careers
STEM aims to develop teachers and educators’ competences, especially integrated STEM teaching skills, based on collaborative problem solving, sharing experiences among countries involved in the project. In addition, the projects aim to evaluate students’ performance in mathematics, science and financial literacy, performance in problem-solving and reading. Objectives: – To increase the quality of school education by motivating teachers of STEM and other school education subject to use a multidisciplinary approach and teach with support of ICT. – The project will teach STEM subjects to motivate students to become more competent on a STEM education. – Strengthen partners capacity to develop ...
DIGIPRO- Digital Tools for Digital Challenges
Eurosuccess Consulting coordinates the DIGIPRO – Digital Tools for Digital Challenges Erasmus+ project, a response to the increasing use of digital technologies in children which often exposes them to cyberbullying and hate-speech. The aim of the project is to contribute in tackling such toxic phenomena by using digital tools, by listening to the point of view of the children, by promoting co-education and creating an alliance among schools, families and other institutions. The main objectives of the project are to: To find ways of collaboration and create a space for dialogue between teachers, parents and children that can facilitate the resolution of harmful or ...
INSIDE: Social Inclusion of the visually impaired students through STEM projects
This project aims at strengthening STEM skills for the blind in consortium countries and other European countries, through developing the necessary intellectual and tangible outputs for the visually impaired students, as well as their teachers, so as to motivate them create STEM based projects and improve technology and digital skills, while favouring opportunities for participation, social inclusion and interaction with their classmates. The Consortium of this project has set the following objectives: Making accessible the education of STEM projects for Visually Impaired (VI) students Capacity building of teachers working on inclusion or special schools with Visually Impaired (VI) students in the application ...
kINesis: School and community-based sports for the social inclusion of vulnerable target groups
The kINesis E+ Sport project focuses on the social inclusion of school children from vulnerable target groups through sports. More specifically, this project aims to the cooperation between schools and community-based organisations, as well as in the involvement of intermediary organisations such as local authorities, NGOs and sports clubs. The overall goal of kINesis project is to train physical education teachers who have not received any training related to the specificities that are included in the management of such vulnerable groups of children. The project’s main objectives are: To promote the social inclusion of schoolchildren from vulnerable target groups through the use ...