GUIDE- Το Ψηφιακό Εργαλείο για Στυλ Λήψης Αποφάσεων είναι καθοδόν!

GUIDE – Digital Tool for Career Decision-Making Styles is on its way!

The project GUIDE focuses on the issue of gender and career development and to the continuing barriers to achieving equality of opportunity in this area.  Therefore, this project aims to help Career counselors to move away from biases and stereotypes based on traditional roles of men and women.

The project is in the process of developing a Digital Tool for Career Decision-Making Styles will be designed to assess an individual’s approach to making career decisions, known as Career Decision-Making Styles, and explore how stereotypes may impact their decision-making style. The Tool will be free of charge and will be available in all partners languages (English, Danish, Greek, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Slovenian and Dutch).

To create this tool, we conducted interviews with 4 experts – the following were discussed:

  1. Some common ways in which counsellors make decisions about their future careers.
  2. Patterns about the different ways in which counsellors make career decisions due to biases.
  3. Challenges they face in their daily work as counsellors.
  4. Problems on current guidance to counsellors to choose careers based on their interests and competencies rather than their gender.
  5. Specific features they want to see in a future digital tool that can support their work.


Counsellors will use this tool in their second encounter with clients after a Self-Assessment Tool identifies possible gender stereotypes influencing the client’s decisions. After its finalization, the Digital Tool will be released, and Open Events will be held to disseminate it in partners’ countries.

For more information you can visit project’s website. , as well as the project’s social media pages in LinkedIn and Facebook.