Violence in Dating for Youth – VIDA YOUTH

VIDA YOUTH project seeks the general objective to Reduce youth violence in dating reaching specific objectives:

  • Improvement of the problem awareness by young people, educators, youth organizations and public institutions;
  • Improvement of young people relationship skills;
  • Improvement of personal sense of security;
  • Improvement of the formal, non-formal and informal education system on the topic.

VIDA YOUTH will impact in raising the youth work quality, reducing youth violence and improving the sense of security within the participating communities. Students, especially women and weak people, will raise their sense of security acquiring new soft skills related to relationship management. The improvement of partners knowledge on the topic, their presence in the local community and the accessibility of the educational modules on the website, will produce indirect benefits on the long term run for schools, parents and youth organizations interested in implementing the activities maintaining the possibility to improve, adapt and integrate the modules and the attention on the topic.

Except Eurosuccess Consulting – Cyprus, the partnership consists from organizations coming from Italy, Portugal, Czech Republic, Spain and Greece.

Duration: 01/09/2016 – 31/08/2018