PRO-LEARN – Fostering children’s learning process and cognitive abilities through holistic approach and innovative methods

The PRO-LEARN project responds to the Europe 2020 priorities in the area of education and training, youth and early school leaving in the context of globalization and labour market integration. As EC stated in its communication on tackling early school leaving & COM(2011) 18 final, education and training systems often do not provide sufficient targeted support for pupils to cope with emotional, social or educational difficulties and to remain in education and training.

The project aims to foster the development of cognitive abilities and effective learning skills of children, to boost their brainpower and maximize cognitive potential by developing, testing and implementing a comprehensive model of cognitive development support for school-age children (6-14 years old) with active participation of schools, pedagogical staff/experts and project partners in the participating countries. The proposed outputs would also support students with special educational needs to fulfil the educational obligations, not to drop out of the educational system, which could result in social exclusion. The project objectives are:

  • reduce early school dropout through speed up the learning process
  • overcome shortage of specialists at schools (psychologist, pedagogues)
  • improve engagement of parents in learning processes of their children and development of their cognitive abilities
  • enrich scarce offer of free-of-charge and barrier-free tools (including the ICT- based ones), for diagnosis of cognitive processes and the preferred learning style of children aged 6-14 years old on their own and by their parents and teachers/educators
  • enrich scarce offer of free-of-charge training programmes and educational-oriented materials for parents, educators, devoid of technological barriers to computer use, to support pupils in the development of effective learning skills, using their resources and full potential of the brain.

During the project implementation, four main intellectual outputs (IOs) will be developed:

  1. Electronic tool for diagnosis of cognitive processes and learning styles of younger children (6 to 10 years old)
  2. Electronic tool for diagnosis of cognitive processes and learning styles for older children (11 to 14 years old)
  3. Training toolkit for teachers and educators
  4. Educational toolkit for students – educational games and tasks (6-10 years old & 11-14 years old)

The project consortium consists of partners from Cyprus (Eurosuccess Consulting and Dimotiko Scholeio Agias Napas –Antoni Tsokkou), Poland (coordinator), Greece, Romania and Italy.

Duration: 01/09/2019 – 31/08/2022

For more information please visit the project website: