Innovative ways of including low qualified ex offenders and ex prisoners to labour market – INforEX

Training of disadvantaged groups, e.g. marginalized low qualified adults ex-prisoners and ex-offenders that has never seen their competences certified due to not completion of any kind of training is becoming increasingly important.

These target groups, by their nature or because of the life paths they’ve done, show some difficulty in attending “standardized” training courses. Lack of appropriate vocational and social skills increase their social exclusion since they are at high risk of long lasting unemployment, social marginalization, or deviancy.

The INforEx Project will reach its objectives by realising an integrated working methodology that combine theoretical analysis with qualitative research and hands-on activities, based on a participative and bottom-up approach, which means active involvement at any stage of all the relevant actors, either project partners or external stakeholders. INforEX will develop a training model which will be performed on the job and not in classrooms through practical, interrelations activities thanks to entrepreneurs (small, sole proprietorship) becoming adult trainers and supported by experienced tutors.

The project will also develop a new EU skills certification based on an innovative evaluation model in line with ECVET system requirements, awarded at the end of the training path. To achieve these results INforEX will elaborate a state of the art analysis and a training need assessment among the stakeholders in the 6 partner countries.

Along with Eurosuccess, the rest of the partnership comes from Lithuania, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom and Poland.

Duration: 01/10/2016 – 30/09/2018

For more information please visit the project website: