Project aim:
Adults for Future aims to engage older adults in green practices through activism and to address the various issues they face. We want to support adult educators and adult education centers to involve older adults in environmental education. Finally, we want to strengthen the role of older adults in their engagement with the environment in society.
- Community of practice for a framework of empowerment of older adults in green activism
- Capacity-Building Course for adult educators
- Online learning tool for self-empowerment in green activism
Target groups:
Direct groups: middle aged adults 40-65; seniors in their 3rd age around retirement, adult educators, counsellors, psychologists and other related professional groups as participants
Indirect groups: cooperation with older adults clubs/associations, older adults’ families, adult hobby/leisure time clubs and adult educational centres
- Community of practice for a framework of older adults empowerment in environmental activism, together with the methodology to empower older adults in environmental activism in everyday practices through intergenerational solidarity
- Capacity-Building Course for adult educators with the development of strategic guidelines for sustainable education in adult education centres
- Online accessible course on environmental activism for older adults
Project Partners:
The project consortium consists of four (4) partners from different countries including Cyprus, Spain, Italy and Portugal.
Start-End date: 01/05/2022 – 30/11/2024 (31 months duration)
-> Visit the project website for more information:
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