ShapeMS: Ενδυναμώνοντας τους χώρους εργασίας, μεταμορφώνοντας τις ζωές

ShapeMS: Empowering Workplaces, Transforming Lives

Breaking Barriers for People with Multiple Sclerosis Through Inclusive Learning and Employment Support

Over 1 million people in Europe and approximately 3M globally have MS. For those people, the physical and psychological implications and impact, although different, affect a huge part of their lives including relationships, activity and employment. The ShapeMs project aims to offer to people living with MS, supporting tools to help them manage their disease and associated implications both psychologically but also, practically in regard to their employment and entrepreneurship. Although several organizations across Europe provide support in regard to some of the aspects to people living with MS, a significant part is missing: the MS mentors community. The ShapeMS project is a European initiative aimed at creating an inclusive learning platform that addresses all work-related aspects for individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS), as well as employers. This comprehensive platform provides job opportunities, guidance on approaching employers and colleagues, and online training modules. By focusing on both employees and employers, ShapeMS ensures a more holistic approach to disability inclusion in the workplace.

As the consortium of ShapeMS is preparing for the pilot testing of the learning platform and the training material, we are taking an introspection of the last 6 months and what has been achieved.

Recent Events and Milestones

  1. ICT-Forum in Austria (July 8-9, 2024)
    ShapeMS was showcased at the “IKT (ICT) – Forum” organized by the Kompetenznetzwerk KI-I. The event, held in Austria and delivered in German, catered to both people with and without disabilities. The second day focused on “Inclusive Pedagogy,” where the ShapeMS project was introduced to a diverse audience, including individuals with MS, caregivers, researchers, assistive technology providers, and employers. The presentation received overwhelmingly positive feedback, with attendees expressing enthusiasm and interest in recommending the project to others.
  2. Multiplier Event in Italy (July 13, 2024)
    In collaboration with the Italian MS Association (AISM), the Italian partner Consulenza Direzionale Paolo Zaramella held a ShapeMS multiplier event in Treviso. The event focused on two critical topics: increasing awareness of employability for people with MS and involving regional job offices in the project more effectively. The need for greater employer education on disability and work inclusion was a central point of discussion, and regional job offices were seen as key partners in the project’s next phase.
  3. Training Event in Cyprus (May 27-29, 2024)
    In May, a successful learning and training event took place in Nicosia, Cyprus. The event, held in collaboration with the D’Driven project, brought together 37 participants from various European countries, including individuals with MS, deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) participants, employers, and other stakeholders. Through active engagement, participants shared their personal experiences, raised concerns, and discussed inclusive practices. The event also provided training to develop participants into Disability Ambassadors and Mentors in their respective countries.


Preparations for the Pilot Program

In preparation for launching the final version of the ShapeMS platform, the project is actively seeking collaboration with its four key target groups: young people with MS, individuals with MS who wish to become mentors, employers, and caregivers. These stakeholders will help refine the platform to ensure it meets the needs of the MS community and promotes successful employment outcomes.

Additionally, ShapeMS is developing an Inclusive Ambassador Certification program for employers. This certification will be embedded in the upcoming Pilot Testing Program and beyond, allowing participating employees to test the ShapeMS learning platform and material. Participants will be able to earn three distinct badges and enjoy various benefits, including certification, recognition on the ShapeMS website, and information on funding opportunities.

Looking Ahead

ShapeMS is making tremendous strides in building a future where people with MS can access the employment opportunities and support, they deserve. As we look ahead, we invite you to join us on this journey, stay informed about the latest activities, and be part of the solution for improving workplace inclusion for people with MS.

Read more about the last six months of ShapeMS in our 2nd Project Newsletter!

Keep posted with the ShapeMS updates by visiting the links below!