Improvement of Production and Management Processes in Agriculture Through Transfer of Innovations – IMPROFARM

The main goal of IMPROFARM project is to support transfer of innovations and know-how between the partner countries to support development of skills and competencies of farmers and employees in the agriculture sector and related services, to support effectiveness of services and production related to agriculture, to support development of rural areas and employment in rural areas in partner countries.

The project also aims to contribute to the transparency of skills of farmers and targeted types of professions in agriculture and agriculture related services.

The project focuses mainly on the areas of training in: agro tourism, business related skills in agriculture establishments (management, marketing, financial management, planning and production management), organic production and innovative methods in animal and farm production.

Along with Cyprus (Eurosuccess Consulting), the project partners come from Poland, Italy, Slovakia and Bulgaria.

Duration: 01/12/2011 – 31/11/2013

For more information please visit the project website: