The guidEU project responds to the Europe 2020 priorities in the area of education and training, youth and early school leaving in the context of globalization, free cross-border movement of workers and labour market integration.
Project’s main aim is to prevent dropping out of school and disengagement from the labour market through provision of personalised, high-quality career guidance system and tools supporting pupils with career explorations and overcoming shortages of highly trained councellors. The project sets up to build strong links between schools, training institutions, employers and parents across countries to best link curricula to international employment opportunities, reduce mismatches in skills and career choices.
The complex career guidance system will be a stable support to the academic rigour, appropriately resourced, building strong connections with institutions involved in career guidance and counselling, as well as collaborative school networks. Indirectly, the project will harness the potential of future human resources. Professionalized career guidance is to help young people to develop their full personality and career potential, as well as employability skills underpinning success in further employment.
The project consortium is a complex partnership engaging both private and public schools and organizations, institutions active in the field of education/training coming from four countries: Cyprus (Eurosuccess Consulting & Highgate Private School), Poland, Spain and Turkey.
Project Duration: 01/09/2016 – 31/08/2019
For more information please visit the project website: