De-Schooling In School: Re-shaping school practices to bring motivation, grit and choice in disadvantaged youth learning

The project De-Schooling In School: Re-shaping school practices to bring motivation, grit and choice in disadvantaged youth learning is a KA2 Erasmus + project with the main objective to move away from traditional education methods, thus the reference to de-schooling, and move toward new and innovative learning methods and practices which can offer motivation and choice to the students. These innovative learning practices will be relevant to the labour market and will be extracted from specific research. They will equip the students with 21st century skills, such as entrepreneurial skills, to become competent when entering the labour market.

Target groups:

  1. Students
    • Having unemployed parents or over-employed parents, no time for children support
    • With immigrant background or parents working abroad
    • With poor results in primary school, lack of motivation and self-confidence, lack of learning skills
    • Presenting high risk of marginalization, non- belonging to small community, non-discovered talents or non-recognized competencies
    • Packing positive school-experience etc.
  2. Disadvantaged youth

Eurosuccess is one of the 7 partner organizations of the project, with a partners coming from 4 different European countries: Cyprus (2), Romania (2), Turkey (2) and the UK.

Duration: 01/09/2015 – 01/09/2018