Its aim is to increase the integration of digital technology into Small and Medium-sized Enterprises.
The scheme concerns new and existing small and medium-sized enterprises from all economic sectors, excluding fisheries, aquaculture and activities related to the primary production or processing or marketing of agricultural products.
The financial support consists of funding defined eligible costs for the implementation and exploitation of digital upgrading to existing or new small and medium-sized enterprises.
The main objectives of the Scheme are:
– Enhance the digital identity of businesses.
– Increase the amount of small and medium-sized enterprises that use information and communication technologies, including the e-commerce sector.
– Promoting digital entrepreneurship
The funding rate will be 50% of the total eligible budget with a maximum limit of €50 000 for processing and €40 000 for further activities. The specified minimum investment amount is €5 000.
Eligible Costs: The grant is equal to 50% of the following eligible costs (excluding VAT).
If you are interested in your company’s participation in this project and in order to initially evaluate your proposed investment and to see whether it falls under the provisions of the Digital Transformation of Companies, please reply to our short questions by clicking here. Upon completing and submitting this questionnaire, we will contact you as soon as possible to arrange a meeting.
The Scheme falls under the De Minimis rule.
Expected call and start of application submissions: November 2019
Note: Upon procurement of the Scheme, elements of the above provisions may be differentiated