Boosting key competences in web, graphic and digital arts by enhancing entrepreneurship and online presence in VET – ON YOUR E-MARKS

The project aims to promote entrepreneurial education by boosting key competences in web, graphic and digital arts among VET (Vocational Education and Training) educators and learners in order to improve their entrepreneurial capacity to teach and learn about how to start new businesses and how to reach current markets online.

This KA2 project mainly targets VET educators (teachers, trainers and mentors) and VET learners who want to start up their own businesses (future entrepreneurs).

The project’s main results are:

– An in-depth study on the online presence that provides info about online presence policies and strategies linked to entrepreneurship education in VET and in business sectors in Europe and represented countries

– A handbook that provides guidelines for efficient online strategies that supports VET educators and promote entrepreneurship education

– A pedagogical strategy for VET educators that supports them to facilitate the learning process on entrepreneurship through online presence

– A toolkit for VET educators that provides training materials and tools to teach VET learners entrepreneurship and online presence

– An open e-learning course, which combines e-learning sessions and offline activities, that provides training to VET learners about entrepreneurship and online presence

The project consortium consists of partners from Cyprus (Eurosuccess Consulting), France (coordinator), Spain, Poland, Romania and Italy.

Duration: 01/10/2018 – 30/09/2020

For more information please visit the project website: