Upcoming TPM in Murcia between April 15-16th

Upcoming TPM in Murcia between April 15-16th

The EU, COSME co-funded project TOURINN-act is now in its final stages! After two rounds of open calls where Tourism SMEs had the opportunity to apply for vouchers up to 10,000 euros and the subsequent identification of the digital solutions and providers, the plan has gone ahead with the implementation of said solutions. As things stand, we are in the midst of the implementation period for the total of 63 tourism SMEs within the consortium’s countries.

As we are entering the final stages of the project, there is an air of excitement of the upcoming TPM in Murcia, Spain. The consortium will meet in person, communicate the details and updates of their implementation phases in their country and further discuss the final coordination details for the finalization steps of the project.

The TourINN-act project consortium is comprised by 6 organisations from 5 EU countries, including Romania, Italy, Spain and Greece, with our organization being the Cypriot representative. It aims to boost the uptake of digitalization and innovation by tourism SMEs through specific transnational cooperation and capacity building actions and the provision of financial support to a minimum of 60 tourism SMEs from different countries in the form of vouchers. Through these actions, the project aims to develop new organizational models for the management of tourism spaces and innovative solutions for the modernization of the tourism experience, improving the fruition of the tourist offer and making SMEs more sustainable and profitable in the medium-long term.

Find out more about TourINN-act here: https://www.eurosc.eu/en/vet-en/tourism-innovation-smes/