Kick off of the project EU Youth: From theory to action

ActYouth EU-is a project which was launched on October the First, 2015, funded by the EU under the Erasmus + Programme, as a result of a newly formed strategic partnership consisting of five organizations from four European countries in order to take the higher education to the next level

What is ActYouth EU Project?

Contributing to several directions of the Europe 2020 Strategy, which aims for a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, especially on the priority themes Youth on the Move, A Digital Agenda for Europe, and An Agenda for New Skills and Jobs, and also Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan, the ActYouth EU project is based on the vision to develop the complex system to diagnose, measure and develop the transversal competencies and especially the entrepreneurial competencies, such as a sense of initiative and creativity of young people, students and graduates.

What are the main aims of the project?

The main aim of the project is to foster the employability and innovative potential of young people/students and graduates, by upgrading and developing their competencies for entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial attitudes and other transversal competencies necessary for successful entering the labour market. These aims are the response to the educational challenges of the higher education across Europe.

What results are expected to be achieved with this project?

ActYouth EU project will impact on trainers and lecturers of higher education providing them with well-focused and complex methodology and tools to improve the efficiency in incorporating transversal skills such as entrepreneurial and enterprising skills, which will have a positive effect of the employability of graduates, improving European competitiveness and social cohesion. The main project products which will assist the achievement of these results are an ICT tool for competence assessment, Decision-making simulation company, and Training packages per competence (for student/graduate and for trainer/lecturer).

The project partnership

The partnership, which is comprised of the European University Cyprus; University of Aveiro, Portugal; OIC Poland Foundation; Vyatus Magnus University, Lithuania; and coordinated by Eurosuccess Consulting, Cyprus, is based on five important aspects: previous experience in transnational projects and transnational cooperation; expertise in the areas required and level of competence in it; complementarity of the project partners; access to the direct and indirect target groups; and geographic coverage to ensure maximal disseminations and exploitation in EU.

Kick-off meeting in Lublin, Poland

The partnership met in Lublin, Poland, at the premises of the OIC Poland Foundation, on 9th and 10th of November, 2015, for the kick-off meeting of the project, during which the main outputs and deliverables have been presented by the lead partner, Eurosuccess Consulting, after the individual presentation of each partner organization took place, led by the discussion of the most immediate tasks and deadlines of the project implementation, taking into consideration the quality standards of the EU and the ActYouth EU project.

Project aspirations

During the period of the project implementation until October 2017, as well as after its end, the ActYouth EU project is expected to have an intense impact on its target groups and stakeholders, primarily in the partner countries as well as in the rest of EU, providing tools and materials for further transfer of knowledge in the European countries and their institutions. Furthermore, it is expected to have a positive impact of improving growth rates in those countries and creating more jobs.

If you would like to find out more about ActYouth EU project and other European projects, please contact Eurosuccess Consulting at 22 420 110 or visit their website at