EU Youth: From theory to action – Act Youth EU

The main aim of the project EU Youth: From theory to action – Act Youth EU is to foster the employability and innovative potential of young people/students and graduates, by upgrading and developing their competencies for entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial attitudes and other transversal competencies necessary for successfully entering the labour market.

ActYouth’s aim is, thus, to respond to the educational challenges of the higher education in Europe and all members of the EU through the development of a complex system to diagnose, measure and develop such competencies.

The project goals are aligned with the European vision of building a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, especially on the priority themes Youth on the Move, A digital agenda for Europe and An Agenda for new skills and jobs, and also Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan.

Target groups:

  • Trainers
  • Lecturers of higher education
  • Students and Graduates of higher education institutions

The project is coordinated by Eurosuccess Consulting and it brings together a total of 5 partners from 4 european countries: Cyprus (2), Portugal, Poland and Lithuania.

Duration: 01/10/2015 – 30/09/2017

For more information please visit the project website: