Cultural Crossroads – Preventing and combating xenophobia and anti-migrant hatred

The Cultural Crossroads Erasmus+ project focuses on preventing and combating xenophobia and anti-migrant hatred, through activities creating better understanding between communities, including interreligious and intercultural activities, and focusing on: i) capacity building of educators and professionals and ii) building in-community coalitions.

The main objectives of the project are to:

– increase the knowledge of professionals (educators and trainers) and actors involved in issues related to discrimination and phenomena of Islamophobia.
– increase the capacity building of professionals (educators and trainers) and actors involved in issues related to intercultural and interreligious approaches to education and society.
– create conditions and tools for better understanding between communities, including interreligious and intercultural activities and activities focusing on building in-community coalitions.

The output of the project is:

– The Cultural Crossroads Model: an interdisciplinary and intersectoral work protocol (education, culture, citizenship, socialization) for the promotion of intercultural dialogue.

The project partnership consists of organisations from six European countries: Italy (Consorzio Social Lab Società Cooperativa Sociale- Project Coordinator & Associazione Novissi Onlus), Cyprus (Eurosuccess Consulting), Greece (European Institute for Local Development), Spain (Fundación de la Comunidad Valenciana del Pacto para el Empleo- FCVPE), Netherlands (Stichting Kenniscentrum Pro Work) and Turkey (Adiyaman Milli Egitim Mudurlugu).

Duration: 03/09/2018 – 02/03/2021

For more information please visit the project website: